Program Calendar

Filtering by: “Viticulture & Safety”
The “Why” Behind: Irrigation Design

The “Why” Behind: Irrigation Design


  • Thursday, April 3, 2025


  • 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Program Detail

Please note that all programs are in Spanish unless otherwise specified.

Complimentary for Napa County farmworkers. This private event is for registered farmworkers only.


This workshop is for irrigators to learn why vineyard irrigation systems are designed the way they are, the importance of not making changes without consulting the designer, and the best way to address some of the many operational challenges.


Mark Battany - San Luis Obispo, RCD


Past Student Testimonial

I will be able to use what I learned in this class to improve the irrigation system, use only the water that is needed, and not waste it.
— Past Student

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Safety Training for Small Companies: Sexual Harassment Prevention and First Aid/CPR Training

Safety Training for Small Companies: Sexual Harassment Prevention and First Aid/CPR Training


Friday, April 11


  • Session 1: Safety Training for Small Companies: Sexual Harassment Prevention*

    • 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM for Fieldworkers

    • 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM for Supervisors

      • *The Fieldworker training is 2 hours, and the Supervisor training is 3 hours.

  • Session 2: Safety Training for Small Companies: First Aid/CPR Training

    • 11:30 AM - 3:30 PM

Lunch will be provided from 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM


Safety Training for Small Companies

  • Safety is the number one priority for all Napa Valley vineyard operations.

  • This new program is designed for small companies (defined as having less than ten (10) employees) to access professional, high-quality education for essential safety training.

  • Session 1:

    • Sexual Harassment Prevention

      • California law requires employers with five (5) or more employees to provide one (1) hour of sexual harassment and abusive conduct prevention training to their non-supervisory employees and two hours of training to supervisors once every two years.

        • *For the Sexual Harassment session, please indicate in the Registration form Sign-Up Note field whether the enrollee is a fieldworker or supervisor. The Fieldworker training is 2 hours, and the Supervisor training is 3 hours.

  • Session 2:

    • First Aid/CPR Training

      • Certification lasts for two years.

Please note that all programs are in Spanish unless otherwise specified.

Complimentary for Napa County farmworkers. This private event is for registered farmworkers only.


Safety Training for Small Companies

  • Safety is the number one priority for all Napa Valley vineyard operations.

  • This new program is designed for small companies (defined as having less than ten (10) employees) to access professional, high-quality education for essential safety training.

Sexual Harassment

This Sexual Harassment Prevention course meets the California requirements of AB 1825 and AB 2053 and includes the following topics:

  • Information and practical guidance regarding federal and state regulations

  • Prohibition, prevention, correction, and remedies of sexual harassment and abusive conduct in the workplace

  • Identifying different kinds of sexual harassment, discrimination, and abusive conduct

  • How supervisors should respond in a variety of situations involving sexual harassment, discrimination, and abusive conduct

  • Discussions on the requirements of an anti-sexual harassment discrimination and abusive conduct policy

  • Discussions on the complaint process, limited confidentiality, and appropriate workplace behavior

First Aid/CPR

This CPR /First Aid course is a hands-on opportunity to gain the essential skills to respond effectively in emergencies. It will provide the confidence and knowledge to act quickly and save lives.

  • Topics include CPR, how to respond to choking, heart attacks, strokes, and other emergencies, basic first aid for cuts, burns, fractures, and sprains, and how to handle common injuries and medical crises safely.


Safety is the number one priority for all Napa Valley vineyard operations. This new program is designed for small companies (defined as having less than ten (10) employees) to access professional, high-quality education for essential safety training.

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Songbirds & Vineyard Health Field Day

Songbirds & Vineyard Health Field Day


  • Friday, April 18, 2025


  • 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Program Detail

Please note that all programs are in Spanish unless otherwise specified.

Complimentary for Napa County farmworkers. This private event is for registered farmworkers only.


Napa County farmworkers are invited to attend this in-the-vineyard Field Day to learn how songbirds can play a crucial role in vineyard ecosystems and why supporting their habitats can lead to more sustainable and productive viticulture.

Using research from the Wildlife Habitat Ecology Lab, speaker Karen Gallardo Cruz from Cal Poly Humboldt’s Wildlife Department will explain how these avian allies can:

  • Aid in pest control

  • Promote biodiversity

  • Enhance vineyard health

Don’t miss this opportunity for your vineyard team to enhance sustainable vineyard practices in your farming operation!

1 hour of Other CE Credits will be offered.


Karen Gallardo Cruz - PhD Student, University of California, David

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The “Why” Behind: Climate Science & Farming Adaptions

The “Why” Behind: Climate Science & Farming Adaptions


  • Wednesday, April 23, 2025


  • 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM

Program Detail

Please note that all programs are in Spanish unless otherwise specified.

Complimentary for Napa County farmworkers. This private event is for registered farmworkers only.


Gain a better understanding about why we are experiencing more extreme weather conditions in the Napa Valley and learn about climate-smart farming and management practices to make our vineyards more adaptable and resilient.


Natàlia Costa i Coromina - Associate of Impact & Sustainability, Energy Impact Partners


Past Student Testimonial

It’s important for me to understand the topic so I can do my job better and make better decisions.
— Past Student

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Napa County Pruning Contest

Napa County Pruning Contest


Saturday, February 8, 2025

*The rain date is February 15, 2025.


8:30 AM - 12:00 PM


The Napa Valley Farmworker Foundation will celebrate its 23rd Annual Napa County Pruning Contest at Beringer’s Gamble Ranch Vineyard. The Pruning Contest is a longstanding tradition honoring and recognizing Napa’s world-class vineyard workforce; it is the ultimate showcase of talent, skill, and precision viticulture. Don’t miss this special community-building event that includes live broadcasting from KVON/MegaMix radio, lunch from El Muchacho Alegre, and resources from local Napa Valley community organizations.

Complimentary for Napa County farmworkers. This private event is for registered farmworkers only.

Contest Details

  • Registration closes on February 3, 2024.

  • During the main event, contestants prune five vines in the day’s preliminary competition.

  • Scoring is weighted for technique and quality, allowing contestants to demonstrate their dedication to high-quality grape growing.

  • Those with the highest scores advance to the final round, which produced four winners in the women’s division and four in the men’s division.

  • Winners take home cash, top-of-the-line vineyard tools, and many other prizes.

  • The top pruners of each division also receive the coveted Pruning Contest champion belt buckle, designed especially for the occasion by Max Lang Custom Buckles.


Rules & Scoring in Spanish

Rules & Scoring in English


To support this time-honored contest, please contact Jill Durfee, Program Manager.


The Napa County Pruning Contest continues to get better every year. Participants are passionate about improving their skills and competing against their peers. The Contest is an opportunity to demonstrate their dedication to high-quality Napa Valley grape growing.
— Rolando Sanchez, General Manager for Walsh Vineyards Management, Member of the Napa Valley Farmworker Foundation Education Committee

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Unified Wine & Grape Symposium

Unified Wine & Grape Symposium


Thursday, January 30, 2025


7:00 AM - Transportation Pickup

  • Redwood Park & Ride, 3416 Solano Ave, Napa, California (Transportation provided by Beau Wine Tours)

7:00 AM - 3:00 PM


Combining a world-class trade show with a broad spectrum of timely educational sessions, the Unified Symposium has a long and distinguished history of providing the California wine industry with the information needed to remain competitive. Napa County farmworkers are invited to a one-day Field Trip to attend the Spanish track seminars followed by a tour of the exhibit halls. The session will explore practical examples of the latest in regenerative agriculture, delve into dynamic marketing strategies to boost sales and growth, and unveil cutting-edge winemaking techniques that cater to emerging wine style trends, culminating in a curated tasting of Mexican Baja California wines.

Transportation and lunch will be provided.

Please note that all programs are in Spanish unless otherwise specified.

Admission is normally $55 per person but is complimentary for Napa County farmworkers who sign up through the Napa Valley Farmworker Foundation and are joining a private event for registered farmworkers only.


8:30 AM - 12:00 PM

  • Innovative Synergy: Creativity and Technology for Wine Industry Excellence Presentation - in Spanish with comparative wine tasting


  • Eva Bertran, Eva Bertran Consulting, California


  • Óscar Gaona, Monte Xanic, Mexico

  • Matías Kúsulas, Gård Vintners, Washington

  • Cristina Lazcano, University of California, Davis

  • Lourdes “Lulú” Martinez Ojeda, Bruma, Mexico

  • Rodrigo Maturana, Bonterra Organic Estates, California

  • Cristina Medina Plaza, University of California, Davis

  • Manuel Negrete, Retired Footballer, Mexico

  • Gaspar Roby, Terlato Wine Group, California

12:00 PM - 12:30 PM

  • Lunch

12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

  • Exhibit Hall Tour

2:00 PM

  • Depart

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Welding Boot Camp
to Jan 17

Welding Boot Camp


January 15 - January 17


  • Wednesday

  • Thursday

  • Friday


8:00 AM - 2:00 PM


Welding is an important skill in vineyard and winery operations and is used for various purposes. This 3-day introduction to welding class is taught by certified instructors at Napa Valley College, an American Welding Society (AWS) Educational Institution. The hands-on class was designed with a strong emphasis on safety and focused on common welding techniques, terminology, and cutting procedures.

The class is taught in English with the assistance of a Spanish-speaking translator.


After the class, students receive Certificates of Completion, which equip them with valuable skills to bolster their resumes. Post-class survey results showed that 90% of students stated they would use these new skills to gain more responsibility at work, and 85% thought they would have more opportunities for increased wages in the winegrape industry.

Past Student Testimonial

After the Welding Bootcamp, I showed my supervisor how I could help in the shop, and now I have more responsibility and a pay raise at work.
— Felipe, Larkmead Vineyards

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