Grant Awards

​Grants from public, private, and corporate foundations, agencies, and businesses play a vital role in supporting the educational programs at the Napa Valley Farmworker Foundation. These generous contributions help ensure access to essential resources and training opportunities that empower farmworkers to personally and professionally thrive. By underwriting these initiatives, grant funders make a meaningful impact on the lives of individuals and the broader agricultural community in Napa Valley.

Grant Awards

  • The USDA 2501 - Socially Disadvantaged, Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Grant

    A highly competitive multi-year grant (2023-2025) that supports programs focused on financial literacy and climate resiliency to better equip Napa’s farmworker community with skills needed to adapt and employ climate-smart agricultural practices in the vineyard.

  • The CDFA Specialty Crop Block Grant

    A highly competitive multi-year grant (2023-2025) supporting programs focused on fostering the next generation of wine industry leaders through the Fields of Opportunity summer mentorship, alumni, and year-round apprenticeship programs. In addition, this grant supports professional development programs such as our Cultivar 3-day leadership conference and various train-the-trainer workshops.

  • Wells Fargo Foundation Grant

    Supports financial literacy education for farmworkers, including the creation of a Spanish math workbook on multiplication, division, and percentages applicable to daily work in the vineyard. It also provides wrap-around service stipends for attendees of the paycheck and checking account best practices workshop.

  • Citizens Bank 

    Provides grant funding for adult literacy and skill-building classes to support career advancement and increased earning power.

  • Freed Family Fund of Napa Valley Community Foundation

    Provides funding for the Patrick Foley Fields of Opportunity Summer Mentor Program, supporting efforts to connect high school students to career opportunities in the wine industry and foster the next generation of community leaders.

  • The Duckhorn Portfolio-Founders Fund

    Provides funding for youth education and skills development supporting programs such as the Patrick Foley Fields of Opportunity program, year-round apprenticeship programs, and more.

  • The Gordon F. & Marion J. Davies Endowment Fund

    A Field of Interest Fund of Napa Valley Community Foundation helps at-risk Napa County high school students graduate from high school and pursue post-secondary education or vocational training. This grant supports the Patrick Foley Fields of Opportunity Summer Mentor Program. 

  • In School & Out of School Fund

    A Community Impact Fund of Napa Valley Community Foundation helps students build academic and leadership skills that will take them from preschool to college. This grant supports the Patrick Foley Fields of Opportunity summer mentor program.

  • Silverado Farming Company 1% for the Community Fund

    Through the Napa Valley Community Foundation, Silverado Farming Company donates one percent of its gross profits to fund initiatives supporting at-risk youth and agricultural workers. This grant supports general operations.